My Questions application is an application for teachers, and its goal is to help teachers create questions and answers based on the instructions in each box, as there are effects associated with each box, as the first box is for entering the question and the remaining three boxes are for entering 3 answers, two of which are wrong and one is correct, and the application contains many different pages in the design.
Application steps:
1- After writing the questions and answers according to the instructions written in advance in (placeholder), the user clicks on the (Save) button, which is the first red button on the right, as this button saves what was written in playerprefs to return to what was written at another time.
2- If the user wants to change the question, all he has to do is click on the (Delete) button, which is the second red button, as all the words written in the boxes are deleted and allowed to write optional questions and answers again, then click on the save button to save them in playerprefs as mentioned previously.
3- When returning at another time to this page where the questions and answers were written and the user wants to retrieve what he wrote previously, all he has to do is click on the (Download) button, which is the third red button from the right, to retrieve what was written from playerprefs.
4- The user can navigate between the pages using the two green arrow buttons located at the top of the pages to return to the previous page and also to move to the next page